Sunday, March 21, 2010

Grandparents and food

Grandparents came. A whirlwind of activity and food ensued. The following are a couple of recipes I like;

Cream of carrot soup

six carrots
one onion
one head of garlic
half inch of fresh ginger
one potato
tablespoon of tamari
teaspoon of cumin
one cup water
one cup rice milk
one cup orange juice
two tablespoons of agave

Cook veggies in water till tender.
Blend and return to the pot.
Add remaining ingredients.
Cook on low heat for twenty minutes stirring occasionally.

For one meal Ife ate carrot soup and oranges. Everyone else enjoyed the carrot soup as well.

Candied yams
Let's start with the contents of this yummy dish. You need 3 medium sized sweet potatoes baked and sliced, garnet yams preferred, 1 banana sliced, 1/4 cup of organic raisins,
1/2 orange, 2 tsp cinnamon tbsp 1/8 cup of melted earth balance, a squirt of tamari and 3 tabespoons Agave. Pre heat oven to 400 degrees.
Peel and slice the sweet potatoes into thick pieces. Use a little bit of earth balance to oil one baking pan. Layer the sweet potato slices with the banana slices in between. Sprinkle cinnamon evenly over sweet potatoes and abanas. Next spread raisins evenly over contents. Next pour agave syrup over all contents. Last, drizzle remaining earth balace over all ingredients. Turn oven down to 350 degrees and place dish into the oven. Bake for 30 minutes. Turn oven off and let cool for an additional 30 minutes in oven. Finished.
Despite the fact that he eats regular baked sweet potatoes, he would not eat this at all. But hey, more for everyone else.

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